Monthly News Blog
Welcome to the 1st Burnmoor monthly blog where we will keep you up to date with group news and upcoming events.
Roll of Honour
A huge well done to our latest member on the Roll of Honour, Vicky Bell, Vicky received her 10 years service. Thank you from all the group.
Please see the full Roll of Honour HERE
Beamish sleepover
Our Cubs and Scouts had a fantastic time at Beamish museum last month, don't forget to check out our Facebook group to see all the photos.
Well done to all our young people for their amazing behaviour, even the staff complimented on how well behaved they were.
Christmas activities
With only one meeting left in 2022, Scouts will be enjoying laser tag for their final meeting this week. Beavers and Cubs will be visiting the Panto (Thursday).
Full detail on Parent Portal.
Santa in the strees
We're delighted that once again Santa has reached out to 1st Burnmoor Scouts to help spread some Christmas cheer. Santa, his sleigh and the 1st Burnmoor elves will be in Lumley on the 19th and in Fence Houses and Burnmoor on the 20th.
Please help by spreading the word.
If you'd like to come along and help with the collection, please meet us at 6pm at the new co-op in Lumley on the Monday, and at 4:30 or 5:30 at the Scout hall on the Tuesday.
Merry Chrstmas and happy new year
As 2022 draws to a close, we'd like to say a huge thank you to all of our amazing volunteers, from our leaders, parent helper, committee members, sub committee members, grounds helpers, website admin, and those from district, county and country, thank you all for making Scouts happen!
We've identified we need several new volunteers to help with section meetings, this may be helping run activities, preparing equipment or just making the juice.
If you think you can help please see for more information.
Currently, we have the following camps and days out for 2022 which are all bookable via the Parent Portal:
- 19th of December 2022 -Santa is in the streets of Lumley.
20th of December 2022 - Santa is in the streets of Fence Houses and Burnmoor. - 26-29th of May 2023 - Whit Camp for Scouts
- 19-26th of August 2023 - Summer Camp for Scouts
As well as these events there'll also be sleepovers for all sections and other fantastic county events to look forward to.
Access for all project
The development at the rear of the hall which will create extra space and better access ensuring the Scout hall is continue to progress well with the new access now in use.
This project has been a massive undertaking by those involved including raising the funds to make it happen, the efforts are a credit to the group!
For more updates please join our Facebook group where our leaders update with photos and news from meetings and events.