1st Burnmoor’s Code of Conduct
- Do respect everyone, property, equipment and time.
- Do listen to each other and avoid inappropriate shouting.
- Do behave quietly and sensible during ceremonies and explanations.
- Do be smart, punctual and wear our uniform with pride.
- Do get involved and give our best effort to all activities.
- Do not use bad language, physical contact and bullying behavior.
- Do not bring unnecessary items to meetings (food, toys, games, etc)
- Do not bring mobile phones (unless told to for the activity)
- Do keep the Scout Promise and the Scout Law.
- Do have fun!
Consequences Should the Code not be Kept
- If I can't behave according to the code I will be given a warning.
- If my poor behavior continues then I will miss 5 minutes of the activity.
- If I still misbehave then my parents will be informed.
- If I repeat poor behavior each week I may be asked to leave the group.