Scout Events

19:00 Tuesday, 14 January - 21:00 Tuesday, 14 January
Scout Meeting - Welcome and Games
19:00 Tuesday, 21 January - 21:00 Tuesday, 21 January
Scout Meeting - Night Hike
14:00 Saturday, 25 January - 14:00 Sunday, 26 January
District Patrol Leaders Weekend
18:30 Tuesday, 28 January - 21:00 Tuesday, 28 January
Model Maker badge @ Warhammer
19:00 Tuesday, 28 January - 21:00 Tuesday, 28 January
Scout Meeting - First Aid
18:30 Tuesday, 04 February - 21:00 Tuesday, 04 February
19:00 Tuesday, 04 February - 21:00 Tuesday, 04 February
Scout Meeting - First Aid
19:00 Tuesday, 11 February - 21:00 Tuesday, 11 February
Scout Meeting - TBC
19:00 Tuesday, 18 February - 21:00 Tuesday, 18 February
Scout Meeting - TBC
00:00 Tuesday, 25 February
Half Term

Hello, my name is Grace Johnson,

I was this year's best Scout at Summer Camp 2023 and I want to tell you all about it!! 

Summer Camp is an amazing experience to go on. It is when you go on a week-long trip with your friends and leaders and go with them to different activities all over the site. You get to learn new things and face old fears. I certainly didπŸ˜‚! 

First day, we settled in and enjoyed looking around the site and playing Manhunt and other games it was really fun! We put up our tents and loaded our bags off the van. We got settled in and then ate food which was very delicious ( it almost felt like I was at home ). That night we had a tuck shop and talked around the camp fire and I met loads of new friends who I had never talked to before 😁😁😁.  

Second day, we woke up early ( this is a thing you will get used to ) and put up our mess tents after breakfast which was bacon, beans and eggy bread. Our mess tents were our responsibility for keeping clean and tidy. The mess tents are like our own mini kitchen which we cook in and make our own tea β˜•οΈ. Then that day we all just ticked along, another game of manhunt went by and we set up shooting and fishing. We swam in the lake which was so much funπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ But I advise you to bring a towel πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

Third day, was Ghyll scramblingπŸ˜πŸ˜…. Ghyll scrambling is when you just scramble through a river that leads down a mountain. I can’t say that it was hot when we were told to jump in, but we got used to it-ish. So we got in and had a sit down then went down a little water slide in the river. At this point it was rather scary as you start to think is this safe but it’s a game of trust and confidenceπŸ‘πŸ‘ So I went down the first one and it was a shock to the system as it was rather deep and cold but it was worth it. I made some incredible memories from that one hour of fun. I would do it again any day😁 😁I must say though there were many I didn’t want to go on but thanks to my incredible leaders and supporting friends I went down those I wasn’t sure about and right after I wanted another go and I felt so incredibly proud of what I had done. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Fourth day, was climbing and abseiling. So we got there and we put all our gear on so we could climb. At first, we went abseiling (abseiling is when you have a rope connected to a tree and you go down backwards off a cliff) I must admit I wasn’t sure about going down and had a bit of a shock halfway but, I brought up the courage to go down again and I did 😁😁  I am so proud of what I did and it feels really good to know that I have now done it cuz I can tell others that I have done it and what it was like😁😁!  Abslaing eventually finished which meant climbing had started πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚  Climbing was great fun we had a harness and everything then we climbed up a jagged rock. The first rock was really hard then we did the second one which was a lot better and easier to climb😁 That day I felt very proud of myself because of what I had done and I left the jagged rock behind feeling very good about I had achieved that day 😁😁

Fifth day, `Who is it the fifth day already, wow how has that happened,’ was what I woke up to that day. I got up got dressed and got ready for inspection like any other day. 😁 . The point of inspection is to find anything lost!🀭That day we went on a hike up Little Dodd (a hill) It was very hot so it was a case of water bottles, hats and suncreamπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Then we came back and changed because we were all sweating and the campfire was on so we needed to change into something suitable😁😁 

Sixth day was our last full day so we swam in the river once more and then we went to Keswick (the local village) and shopped.😁😁😁. There were so many shop choices and food choices it was great πŸ‘. It was a great end to the weekπŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…. We got cotton candy and we did the spicy sweet challenge on the leaders as long as ourselves. (Non of us lasted a second🀣πŸ₯΅) Then we went to get shopping stuff. We went into charity shops and camping shops, I even tried a children’s ride on a fake tractor for £1 it was really good and funny 😁 I got lots of stuff too πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜. That night we did the wide game (a game that takes place over a wide space and to win you do challenges). ❀️ 

That pretty much sums up the whole week in 6 paragraphs really. I just want to say a big, huge, humongous thank you to those who have cooked and entertained and kept us on the right path because let’s face it about 12 kids ain’t going to work our great without supervision which this camp gave usβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’™ So thank you to those who have made all these memories possible and I hope if your reading this in a years time and your not sure about summer camp 2024 then I hope this has lifted your spirits and hope for the upcoming event 😍😍πŸ₯°πŸ₯° Thank you so much.

Lots of love 

Grace Johnson, a loyal Burnmoor Scout.