The purpose of this website is to provide information regarding the Group's Scouting events, activities and fundraising events to members (and their parents/carers) of all sections of 1st Burnmoor Scout Group, potential new members and anyone with an interest in the Group. All information supplied by visitors is purely used for this purpose.

Links to other websites connected to Scouting and the local area are included on this site for visitors' information. We hold no responsibility for these websites and you are advised to review their privacy statements for your own protection.

The Guestbook provides people with the opportunity to leave comments and also provide information regarding themselves. Please be reminded that the website is accessed by children. The Guestbook is moderated and unsuitable comments will be removed.

The views expressed on this website are not necessarily those of the Scout Association.

The content of this website is the copyright of 1st Burnmoor Scout Group. No part of it can be reproduced without permission.